*updated!* LOL!
14th Feb,
Happy birthday Xuanwei! You are 15 alrdy, dont ah hai alrdy. LOL! Afternoon plan didnt went well. Our plan was suppose to be eating buffet for lunch, but thanks to the birthday boy. He was late-.- Me, Darryl, Daniel, Aloy, Justin, Brenna, Zhiqing and Sherri was waiting for him and his hao peng you. After school everyone went home and change clothes, Xuanwei and Andy pei each other to their own house. Thats why they are late. Everyone was hungry so went to Mac and eat for lunch at TM._. Then Xuanwei, Jasnyn, Jiawei, Jonathan and Andy came. They dont know play what game, mix this and that. Heng i wasnt on that table. LOL! Me, Zhiqing, Sherri and Darryl was in other table eating 40pieces of nuggets! LOL! After that, trained to Marina Sq. From Citylink, the girls start shopping. Shopping queen of the day, Sherri. Hahah! Every 5mins of walking, she leds the girls to shop. Then the boys will stand outside the shop and wait. This continues even we reach Marina Sq. Then Xuanwei ask me, "today is my birthday or go out shopping day?" LOL! After that, we went to arcade. Had much fun and laughter there. Especially playing the game, need push here and there one. Push till the whole machine move out of place, everyone laugh til want peng. People walk pass will stop, and watch us play and laugh at how we play it. Hahah. We went to Yuki Yaki buffet, but full house. So we all stoned there dont know where to eat our dinner. So we went to Suntec's Sizzler, but super ex. So we stoned again. Hahah. End up, we went to "Yummy Bak Kut Teh". Everyone's food on their table was nice( our tables are linked, like the Adam's Family cartoon like this long) , but me, Aloy, Daniel and one of Xuanwei's friend table of food sucks. Totally sucky. I ate like rice, toufu gan and drink ice lemon tea only. Tmd._. eat finish alrdy no mood, was still hungry. Then after that, we bring out the cake that Brenna, me and Daniel buy from Secret Recipe. Buy 2 big slice. 1 Chocolate, 1 Mango. Its was delicious, but ate abit only, cause we have many ppl there. After that Sherri and Zhiqing went home, we went separated ways. Dont know why. Then end up everyone gathered at Marina Sq's arcade. LOL! Then Justin, Jiawei, Jon and Andy went to pool beside the arcade, me, Brenna, Jasnyn, Aloy and Darryl went to play our own games. We play til very late. Many of us were very tired and need to go home. Me, Brenna and Daniel trained back and homed.
I GOT BLOG HORH! Peoples, dont say my blog is dead.<---*hint, especially Brenna, Zhiqing, Regina and the rest* My next update will be the next outing. LOL! Junhao, how you know my blog url sial. Add me in msn lahs! Hahah.
Bye peoples!:D
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