3, 2, 1,
Hahah! Sorry for not updating the blog. Hahah! Many things happend. Blah blah here, blah blah there. LOL! Gonna talk about Wednesday, which is last year. Suppose to meet Andy 2.45 at Marina Bay, but thinking its too early to go there._. so meet Andy and Aloy 2.45 at Bedok Interchange, MacDonald there. Slacked awhile, after that Zhiqing come along. Planned to go Princess to watch movie, but the place was like kana bomb, i think dont will not be Princess anymore. So went to Marina Square to watch Ip.Man(Yip Mun) but sold out. So we watched Yes Man. Hahah, overall its was funny, but there is a short period super boring, almost fell asleep. Then went to meet Brenna, Klinsman, JingLong, Renhao, Fatfat and 2 of Renhao's friend, Joshua and Marcus i think. Jonathan called, say want smoke, so Andy and Aloy went to Tampinese to buy, and meet us again._. So the rest of us meet Jonathan, Xuanwei, Jiawei, Daniel and Jonathan stead at Marina Bay. Slacked there. After Andy and Aloy came. Xuanwei, Brenna and Jiawei complain hungry, so we went across to eat. I not really sure whats that place. But it was called "Lao Pa Sha" i think. The food is ok, but its super ex. After eating, its 11.45, we hurried to the Float there. But too many ppl, we ended up at Fullerton(sp?) Hotel there watch the fireworks. After that, we ton. Its super fun. Done many things. Hahah! We kissed each other-.- shall not mention who is the one(s). Hahah! Lazy alrdy. Let the photos say the rest.
One more thing. DJLuN is in the house yo! He is better than DJXiaoZhu aka Brenna!:D
Get Ready everyoneeeee! Come'on! Puts your hands in to your pocket! in to your pocket! in to your pocket! Why~ Why~ Why~ Cause 好冷~. HAHAH!