Camping in Loola resort @ Bintan was awesomeeeeee!Day 1,
Reached Loola around 12plus 1. First impression of the camp. BAD and LOUSY to the max. It look wasn't as fun and as beautiful as we saw the video at school. (Slipper stolen during lunch on first day-.-) After lunched, changed to swimwear and ready for BoomNetting and Hiking! BoomNetting is soooooo thrilling! Hahaha! FUN TTM! You have to jump from the boat to the net in the middle of the sea! Which is around 2-3 storey high! Cool ttm! When they are taking photo of me. I jump up and pose a star and the hang time in the air for them is long enough for them to take photo of me nicely! Took 1 second to take photo. After that, mind was thinking,"Why I havent reach the sea yet?!" SPLASHH!* <3>I felt like a hero and really zai seriously! Great great sense of achievement! I was climbing up with the speed of the instructor. Until... I saw my friends struggling and trying to get up. I went down and help them. Going infront of them, pulling them up when they dont have the energy to go up(Nora, a big size girl, MsAysha). Carrying my teacher, MsAyesha to cross over the BIG BIG LOG(as her legs were short). Encourages them. Support them all the way up to the top! The scenary was... okok. HAHA! The hardest part came...*DENG DENG DENG DENG* GOING DOWN! Haha. The steepness is as steep as like a slightly slanted rockclimbing. MsAysha chosen me to buddy her. To help her down. And going down is difficult as you are tired and super dangerous. If 1 fall, roll down, die/serious injuries for sure. And.... while going down, the sky turn dark... Its near 6plus 7. When we still have 1/4 of the journey. How scary and drama right?! HAHA. That was like a once in a lifetime opportunity. I kept thinking what if my friends are really exhausted and stuck in the middle of the forest, will it be like in the TV? HAH. Okay, this post is REALLY LONG! Shortening it. Bathe-Dinner-Slack-Sleep.
Day 2,
Maggie mee for breakfast! Obstacle course(VERY HAPPENING but dont want say, if not post too lenghty) - Skywalker(2-3storey high jumping down) & Archery - Mudwalk. I must sya that Mudwalk is really amazing. Walking like 3 km of the shallow sea. Great exposure. Have a good look at the marina life. Small crabs marching off at the ground(like TV!), SeaCucumber(yucky and fun), Baby seasnake, HermitCrab, Octopus!(COOL TTM! Sucking my fingers&palm!) and MANY MANY MANY STARFISH. Very cool! <3333 At night, there was campfire. Campfire this year is so blooooddddyyyyyy sucky. Noob camp fire ttm! Was frustrated. The instructor didnt know how to make the crowd high and enthu. After campfire... Hehe. Same as YOG! A-club-like. Dancing and playing with the malays and clique!<3 But this club-like thingy is not as high as YOG camp's.
Day 3,
Maggie mee again!^^ Haha! Went Flying fox. Ohmygod. DAMN FUN! The last time i did Flying fox was P5. When i am at the bottom, i was like thinking, "Aiyah, nevermind one lah. Just jump only, like how i did in P5". When i reach on top.... HEHEHE. I WAS SCARED! Hesitated to jump! Hahaha! Its like 3-4 storey high man! OHMYGOD. When I jump down, I didn't hold onto anything! I make flying pose and then a superman pose! Then, SPLASH* into the sea. COOL!:D But the balls.... hurt. After Flying fox, went kayaking. Tagged with Jasnyn and Chunyin. FUN! We were like moving really fast! And capsizing the boat is fun! Hahaha! Kayak for 10mins. We then realise, we were moving in the opposite direaction all along with the others. Cause the waves are carrying us away and opposing us. Speedboat came to help us, tied to the kayak. Lied on Jasnyn leg and the speedboat bring us all the way round and round. So relaxinggggg! HAHA. Everyone was like envy me, being pulled around by a speedboat. Even VP said me and Chunyin lazy, didnt paddle back to shore. One word, FUN! After that, bathe-lunch-prepared and going back to SG! Sea is really angry today. Ferry was shaking so terribly, like rollercoaster. Seriously. Headache. Dizzy. And almost vomited. At the same time, i wanted to shit. HAHA! -End-
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D